Better metrics of progress to deliver public EV infrastructure


Cenex has partnered with Vauxhall to create a suite of better metrics to measure the delivery of public EV Infrastructure (EVI). The resulting report, Are we nearly there yet?, was published in September 2024 and can be downloaded here.

The webinar recording can be watched here - the data dashboard can be found at the bottom of this page.

Key conclusions

Our research concludes that current metrics to measure progress on the delivery and deployment of EVI are blunt instruments which do not fulfil all four definitions of a good metric: Relevant to the reality of stakeholders’ needs; Actionable for decision-makers; Scalable across areas; and Measurable with available data.

Our key finding on how to improve the metrics we use to track the progress of EVI delivery is that they must be more relevant.  This means measuring progress by charging use case: Near Home, Journey and Destination.

Using a unique combination of Cenex and partner datasets, we have created and analysed these new and improved EVI metrics across the whole of Great Britain, and found:

  1. Near home charging index:  supply is a few months ahead of demand nationally, but distribution suffers from significant regional disparities.

  2. Journey charging index:  supply is three years ahead of demand, but gaps remain on some major roads.

  3. Destination charging ratio: Car park operators can apply a simple equation to determine what EVI they need for their situation.

The dashboard, below, allows anyone to explore, filter and download the new metrics. A full methodology explanation can be found here.

The data may be publicly used but is subject to the NEVIS Terms and Conditions. Reference: Cenex NEVIS, 2024.