Knowledge Repository launched for Local Authorities

Launching today 26th January 2023 at the second LEVI Roadshow, Local Authorities can access reliable, up-to-date information and guidance about Electric Vehicles (EVs) and EV Infrastructure (EVI) to inform chargepoint strategies and support effective deployments.

The National Electric Vehicle Insight and Strategy (NEVIS) service now includes a ‘Knowledge Repository’ to put the right advice and insight into the hands of those responsible for the deployment of EVI in England. 

The online Repository aims to equip and engage LAs to deliver EVI through a growing suite of Wikipedia-style searchable articles, images and videos.  The articles are divided into steps so that LA officers can find information that is specific to them and the stage of the journey they are at.  This includes those Just Starting Out or Developing Their Strategy, through to Procurement and Operations.

Since its launch at Cenex-LCV in September 2022, over 150 English LAs have registered for access as part of the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Fund.  The LEVI Support Body, formed of Cenex, Energy Saving Trust and PA Consulting, provides expert technical and commercial support to enable successful LEVI applications for a share of the £400m capital grant scheme administered by OZEV. 

The Support Body offers pre-application support to shape and develop EVI vision, strategy and, ultimately, LEVI Fund proposals through assistance in understanding eligibility and establishing project fit against criteria.

Chloe Hampton, Infrastructure Strategy Consultant at Cenex, said: “Any good EVI strategy, delivery plan or chargepoint operations management is grounded in reliable, up-to-date information.  The launch of the Knowledge Repository means that LAs have the highest-quality guidance at their fingertips, with links out to valuable external resources”

“We will continue to expand the range of topics covered by the Knowledge Repository in response to LA enquiries and ensure the information is kept updated”.

Registration is free for English LAs – non-English LAs and non-LAs can contact us to find out how they can get access.